Um, are you all aware of the meaning of the word, alleged? Do you realize that anyone can be accused of a crime, whether they are guilty or not?
So can we just put the pitchforks and torches down for now?
a co-worker who sits across the isle from me was recently arrested for molesting a 10 year old girl.
my employer has let him come back to work since he has not been convicted yet.
the rest of the staff were notified by management to not talk to this guy about anything non work related.. it is really going to be hard not so say something to this slug.. what would you do if you had to sit next to a pedophile at work?
Um, are you all aware of the meaning of the word, alleged? Do you realize that anyone can be accused of a crime, whether they are guilty or not?
So can we just put the pitchforks and torches down for now?
i have been checking out the jw group on msn.
here is what i found on one of the moderators profile page:.
I have been checking out the JW group on MSN. Here is what I found on one of the moderators profile page:
Jehovah's Witness/Janitor
does anyone here have any experiences with any unusual kingdom halls, such as architecture, location and furnishings.
in eaton ohio there was a small kingdom hall that sat next to the railroad tracks and everytime the train went by it shook the building.
in salyersville ky there was a small kingdom hall in a storefront buliding, no sound system and they had a kerosene heater at the back of the hall.
Fargo North Dakota had a very unusual diamond-shaped hall for many years. The back of the auditorium was very narrow, then it widened, then narrowed to a point where the stage was. Then they remodeled into another odd configuration. Then they finally built a new Hall a few years ago, square, but the stage was in a corner, so still slightly odd.
Edited by - No apologies on 6 January 2003 18:15:13
i was watching seinfeld with my family yesterday.
it was an episode where george gets in some trouble because he has been hanging out with some people from houston and he saying "you bastards" and similar silly stuff.
my dad had to say.."bad association spoils useful habits"...gawd!!!!!!.
Tell your dad if he is so bothered, maybe he should leave the room. Wouldn't want his conscience to be seared!
i don't know if everyone knows, but my boyfriend (alex) bought me a health club membership for my birthday(i asked for one).
so, the package deal he got was a buy 1yr get 2 free deal including 5 free personal training sessions.
well, the first one was easy---------------measurements,weighing in,goals,new diet, and so forth.
So you want to look good, but you do not want anyone to look at you? I'm confused.
No apologies
(of the still-don't-understand-women-sometimes-class)
:) hello beautiful gay/lesbian brothers and sisters around the world.
let yourselves be known.
I'm not a lesbian
Those simple words, coming from you, brings much joy and happiness, and, dare I say, hope, to many of the men here.
okay, i know that historical evidence is that jerusalem fell in 586/7 instead of 607 - as the wtbts would have.
however, that is not compelling enough to show a hypothetical jw.
they (generally) must not only be show that the opposition is correct, but that the wtbts is wrong.
You ask that I supply secular evidence for 607 BC. I have not had difficulty in finding such evidence in the WT publications. So what is your problem? Poor literacy or comprehension? Such publications have discussed the matter in much detail so what is missing?
Have you read the appendix to the Kingdom book? You know, where they admit that all the secular evidence points to 586/7?
AlanF, you have been down this road with scholar many times, haven't you? Nice to see you here.
the following short article appeared in the january 1, 2003 watchtower: .
just another attempt by the organization to justify its history of false prophecies.
the watchman who mistakes an innocent noise (such as a gust of wind or a cat) for the approach of an enemy would likely not be punished for his mistake.
Perhaps the apostles had some incorrect ideas about the time frame for Jesus' return, but I do not recall them ever disfellowshipping someone who did not share their belief. 6 months for good behavior.. this man, james barratt of rugby england was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives.
the fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me.
not being familiar with the british court system, i need to ask the board: is there a parole hearing like in the us?
Its good to see that the elders in his congregation are true spiritual men determined to courageously defend the congregation from wrongdoers.
Let's see, what did Jesus say, "I am the fine shepherd, the fine shepherd lays down his life for his sheep." (just from memory, don't have a Bible at work) Evidently the threat of a lawsuit is more than a shepherd today can handle.
i have figure a way out of all your current "problems" simple - just do this:.
#1 - announce all mistakes you have made for the past 100+ years.
#2 - connect this "confession" with the fact that moses also made grave mistakes along with the hebrews, so was forced to wander around in the desert for 40 years.
They seem pretty committed to their current plan:
1. Ignore all reports of scandals and problems. Act as though all is well.
2. Disfellowship anyone who asks too many nosy questions.
It's not working as well as it used to, but they don't seem to realize that. 2003 should be an interesting year for them.